by Rebecca-Emma Pink
whiteowljaguar plugs in to transport the human into alternate space and ancient, carnal “deep time.” The duo’s sounds and environments shake away the extraneous, revealing the raw.
Assembled in 2012, Tyler Vigil and Rebecca-Emma Kaplan (Dollpartz) blended sounds to produce whiteowljaguar and Talon&Claw Productions, an initiative to expel the mundane through virile vibrations and inspired genuine presence.
Vigil, whose ten years of DJing has dipped his hands and ears in genres from breaks to minimal and beyond, uses his architectural mind to build sound that molds space and towers over: sound to behold. A lifelong relationship with percussion lays his framework; his designed roar brings chambers of depth to the whiteowljaguar sound and Talon&Claw vision.
The newer ear of Dollpartz brings the electro-pop-culture influence of her time and the bows, lollipops, and balloons of her heart. With a taste for girlie vocals and deep, dirty, hooting night owl bass, she blends the light and dark to aim at the authentic.
The Talon&Claw production instigates mobility- a dig deep inside and a great reach outward, an active celebration of truth and joy. It is a mission to bring the best new, underground electronic music to New York City.