PHOTO SHOOT: BARE-USA Project with Brian Cattelle

Aside from founder, June Ann: Brian Cattelle and I first started talking about his project when he was casting models a few months ago. After I heard what his project was about and saw some images, I knew I HAD to be cast to represent Missouri. These are the projects that I like to model for the most...dilapidated buildings + art nudes + talented photographers =  MUST!!! I got to climb all over this building and on the pipes and in elevator was definitely a very physical shoot where I was able to bring my trapeze and pole skills to use! Brian was an awesome photographer to work with. He would find a spot and tell me he wanted me there and then he would just let me integrate into the surroundings however I felt like. I think this approach allowed me to find very organic poses that let me interact with the gorgeous backdrop of decay. Make sure to check out his website,, to keep up-to-date with the project! One of our interns, Keleka Mobley, helped us out with this shoot and was kind enough to share some behind the scenes pics and a bit about her experience at the shoot!

by Keleka Mobley



When: July 1-2, 2014

Where: St. Louis, MO

Who: Photographer, Brian Cattelle; Model, June Ann D'Angelo; Intern, Keleka Mobley


"BARE USA is a black and white fine art photography project that contrasts natural beauty with man made decay.  This contrast is achieved by combining nude photography with urban exploration photography.  In order to capture the great diversity of models and locations, BARE USA will have one shoot with local models in each of the 50 United States.  A book of the resulting collection will be published and available in digital form and hard cover.  Limited addition art prints will also be available."



Personally, I feel that true inspiration can only be experienced in person. Being able to explore and draw inspiration from the desolate atmosphere of an abandoned building was priceless. From the outside the building looked pretty sturdy. However, as we climbed the stairs to find specific areas the photographer wanted to shoot, I couldn't fight the feeling that I was going to fall through the floor with each step. As the shoot continued I was able to push that fear into the back of my mind and enjoy the harmony create between the colorful graffiti and the decaying structure.

As for the nude photo shoots, it was nothing new for me (except the location). I often help fellow photography majors at my college with their shoots; sometime they involve nudity. Therefore I felt comfortable with the concept. After viewing the photographer's video about the project here I was inspired by his work and determination. From a first impression I felt that he was a professional and talented artist. He scouted the area beforehand and knew exactly where he wanted to go. It made for an efficient and fun shoot.

If you would like to donate to help out with this project, please click here.