w i t c h y w i n t e r f / k a i t w a l k e r
photo: mike gibbons
hmua: caitlin lambert
intern: lace nguyen
art director/stylist: june ann d'angelo
production: geminijunemoon
featured brands: free people + gypsan + by the people
w i t c h y w i n t e r f / k a i t w a l k e r
photo: mike gibbons
hmua: caitlin lambert
intern: lace nguyen
art director/stylist: june ann d'angelo
production: geminijunemoon
featured brands: free people + gypsan + by the people
photographer: FOX
model: june ann d'angelo
photographer: Photeus
model/creative: june ann d'angelo
tshirt: Call Your Mother Designs
photographer: Photeus
model: June Ann D'Angelo
t-shirts: Call Your Mother Designs
***closeout sale on all t-shirts for $10 featured in this post + more...click HERE***
photographer: TrickProductions
model: june ann d'angelo
photographer: john raphel (IG: @jraphel / tumblr: johnraphel)
model: johnannie valdes (IG: @einnahoj / tumblr: msjohannie / facebook: johannie.v)